Tales from the Appalcart!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Me and Link

Me: Hey Link, what do you want to do?
Link: Meooww ("go read a blog")
Me: Hey, whw's blog do you want to read?
Link: Meehh ("Hmm let me think about it")
Me: Link I don't have all night to sit here and watch you think
Link: Meeeeeeow? ("Why the heck not?")
Me: Listen, I have a lot of stuff to do...what blog do you want to read?
Link: [squints, thumps tail on the floor menacingly, and just stares me down]
Me: Ok well how about if we jump over to Keith and Andrew to see what's shaking down there? Is that ok with you?
Link: [raises cat head] Mhhheehh (Fine, do what you want, but you better at least give me a shout out in that stupid rheumatic blog of yours)
Andrew: Alright, fine.
Link [puts head down]

This is a conversation that Link the Cat and I had about going to see some of