Tales from the Appalcart!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New post!!!

Hello everyone,

I know that I have been extremely lax in my responsibilities to post little adventures from my appalcart travels. But listen to this story and revel in its goodness*

I rode the appalcart for the first time about 2 days ago. I know what you are thinking:"Andrew!You've been in Boone for almost 2 months now and the first time that your fine fanny has touched an appalcart seat was on Monday???!!!" I know, it's ridiculous right? Well rest assured your patience, and persistence in checking in on me has certainly not paid off. I had the most uneventful ride on the appalcart ever. I happened to be at my friend Seth's house, and we decided that it would be a good idea to go play racqutball (read: Seth thought it would be a great idea to let me pummel him in racquetball**)! That's about as exciting as the rest of the story gets, folks, so if you have other things to do you better get back to work.

So Seth and I decide to go play racquetball. Rather than take my car, or take his car, or God forbid we walk to the gym, we decided to take the appalcart. After making such a weighty decision, we climbed up the stairs located just outside the front of his house. We climbed and climbed up this monster of a staircase only to be greeted by (the appalcart?!) an appalcart bus stop sans the bus. We waited, and waited, and waited. It turns out that the appalcart isn't always on time, which is great because I have absolutely nowhere to be and nothing more important to do than sit around and wait for the gas guzzling appalcart. After 6 agonizing minutes the appalcart finally pulled up, swung its doors of welcome open to Seth and I, and we promptly sat down really quickly before the people behind us could take the only 2 free seats on the bus. It goes without saying that Seth and I happen to be particularly conscientious of the needs of other people. After we took our seats, the appalcart began its gentle glide across coarse pavement. No less than 5 minutes later we were shuffled out of the appalcart directly in front of the gym. How about that!!

So that was what my first ride in the appalcart was like. Seth rides it all the time and assures me that sometimes something crazy almost sort of happens, but not generally. I think it goes without saying that there are not a whole lot of appalcart stories that could be more boring that this one, so hopefully Seth is wrong.


*this story is not laden with goodness, I just made that up to hook you for at least 4-5 sentences. Did it work?

**As much as I would like to say that I crushed Seth in racquetball, he actually beat me without too much of a struggle.

***I never put 3 asterisks in the story.


Blogger Joel Settecase said...

Bravo! Bravissimo! What a magnificent story--one for the ages. Yay, Homer, Dante, and Bill Shakespeare are all sulking right now, ashamed that they never weaved a tale quite as riveting as the one you just told. I was kept on the edge... of... my... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Huh? Oh, what was I saying?

9:39 AM  
Blogger Joel Settecase said...

Dude how are you going to make an entire weblog based on this thing? If you ask me, it's time to regroup! Go!!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Donkey Patrol said...

If you ask me, it's time to stop posting comments on other people's blog that un-named employer might see!!!

6:16 PM  

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