New post New Post!
Have you ever tried to make a bonfire, and then upon successfully building it the fire spills over to another location only to ignite that area in flames as well?! I once went to a friend's house where this guy was trying to make a bonfire. He piled a ton of newspaper, a ton of logs, and about 16 fl. oz. of Zippo lighter fluid together amidst a ring of small stones. The kicker to the whole shebang was that in the grass he squirted another trail of lighter fluid leading from his seat, to where the fire was going to be lit. While images of imminent doom flashed though my mind, a light flashed up in this kid's hand and he dropped a match onto the freshly laid trail of lighter fluid. In a flash, fire was zipping through the lawn, ultimately reaching the bonfire and igniting it swiftly. This guy's crazy plan to light a fire actually worked, and the fire burned with such intensity that we all had to move our chairs back further from the new fire. Anyway, the point of this whole story is that I have a new blog up on Keith and Andrew's blog. I have thus lain lighter fluid in the grass of your mind, and this post is the spark that will send you racing to my other blog! And oddly enough, there's some fire imagery in the other blog. Go check it out quick, before it dies down again!!
Wow, what a superb analogy. I am stunned. Speaking of things that are stunning, why not ditch Andrew's blog and read some real entertainment. Interested? Try
It's good for what ails ye!
Nah man shoot you didn't do that for real
Went all up on my blog like you got mass appeal
Bringin dopey-ace rhymin' bout some canine distortion
When the topic's rill somber like Italian abortions
Tha's real irreverent home slice why you up in my grill
When yo rhymin's so weak you shoulda stayed home and chilled
'Steada tryna bring back dem traditions of old
My effin grill's so icey mayne it's makin' ya cold
So go retire from the rap game--warm up and grab a coat
'cause my flo is so tight it be kickin' yer scrooooooot
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