Tales from the Appalcart!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Gordon what should I post about?"

That's the question I just asked to Gordon, while sitting here in the graduate student lounge. I realize that I haven't blogged in a long time and that I'm losing friend by the second. So listen to me...this is a new post.

First, let me tell you what's going on.

1) Jessica is awesome. Jessica kind of had a bad day, because she found out that she didn't do as well as me on a test. I feel bad for her. She's a really nice gal, and she knows a lot about China. Jessica actually told me that if you are eating at a business function in China, you're not supposed to place your chopsticks on your plate as such:

I know that what you are looking at is a grey square...there's supposed to be a picture in there...but there isn't. Click on it and you can see what I'm talking about. She also told me that she likes it when Tim tickles her eggs. I'm not quite sure what this means, but that leads me to my next point which is...

2) Tim is a cool kid too, but he's also even more angry that I got a better score on a test than he did. If you were to picture in your mind what a hippie would look like...you would be unknowingly picturing Tim in your mind. But he's a great dude. Tim plays what I like to call "The Boomstick"...aka the bass guitar.

3) Speaking of BASS!! Gordon was partially responsible for helping me post this. He is the one who suggested that I catalogue the people around me and their positive attributes. Gordon doesn't have to do a whole lot with the word 'bass', but since bass is the lower limit of the musical scale and since I'm reaching the lower limits of this page, I figured that it was appropriate.

4) On an ancillary note, I've turned in several papers for my Organizational Behavior Class, all of which have be returned to me with red splattered all across the pages which I had so carefully crafted. Not to boast, but I think of myself as a pretty good writer. However my writing style is going through some forced growing pains. According to the projections of my professor, he can help my writing not be "flowerey" and "nice" but rather "scientific" and "parsimonious". Hence the abbreviated, somewhat halting and awkward style in this blog. I don't know if I'll ever again be able to capture the puffery which characterized my former blogs. I do lament this change. But I don't have enough time to be sad about it, because that's not scientific.


Blogger Donkey Patrol said...

New Announcement:

Amber is also great...she wanted me to share that with you all. Are you confused about who all of these people are? Go here http://www1.appstate.edu/%7Ehuelsman/currents.html and eventually you will find out

10:39 AM  
Blogger Joel Settecase said...

A. Science is for nerds.
B. You are Voltaire.


Dude whose blog will always be infinitely better than anything you create, no matter how much time, effort, sweat, tears, and blood of the innocent you pour into it.

1:36 PM  

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